【CONDOR】Mable shape CBlack

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  • Regular price ¥833
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Condor flight is all-in-one flight that a flight and a shaft are combined so that there is no stress when attaching to a barrel. It adopts soft and flexible materials so it can bend yet it has shape memory. It receives a good reputation of durability as well. With the special cut (Condor Cutting) on the shaft part, air resistence is reduced and darts grouping is raised. Percentage of hitting bull's eye would be 4.2% higher according to its brand's survey. Great cost performance flight shaft. 【Warning】Don't screw it too tightly with a barrel which would cause screw top broken. Gentle screwing should do it.
shape shape
color BlueBase
size S(short):21.5mm M(inbetween):27.5mm L(Midium):33.5mm
specification CONDOR(shaftFlightstyle)