【BULL'S FIGHTER】 Abizia Case

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  • Regular price ¥4,500
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Darts darts in Asia and other famous brands, "FIGHTER BULLS' case is. Here's l-style KRYSTAL, KRYSTAL ONE can accommodate a drop-in type of DART case. It is while 武骨simple and classy design. Darts set molded flight darts storage unit is possible, but if you differ from separately Crystal one even seems accommodate intact. Also as a major feature allows removing the barrel storage area, is available as a tournament case. Is in the one case using various utility case. Please consider.
size heght 175mm side 75mm width 50mm
strage barrel(6psc) tip cardpocket 2Place multipocket 1Place
accessories 釣り針フック
ご注意 KrystalONECASEはwithしません
Release date 2015/3/18/